Over the past few years I've been lucky enough to attended ng-conf, in my opinion the premiere Angular conference, and was disappointed that I was not going to be able to attend this year. But then... pandemic. The organizers and speakers scrambled to make it possible for the conference to happen online. And thank goodness! I really needed this conference for my mental health.

I happily purchased a much less expensive ticket and attended ng-conf: Hardwired. And, as usual, the goods were delivered.

The Highlights

There were three days of presentations. Three. Days. All of them were awesome. But I want to talk about the presentations that I found exceptional. You can find all of the presentations here (requires login).

And here we go.

Http Interceptors: The Room Where It Happens

The always fabulously dressed Ward Bell gives us every reason we should be using HTTP Interceptors. The examples he uses are real-world and should be considered helpful to any project.

Preload Strategies: Step in Time, Step in Time!

John Papa always delivers a great presentation. I didn't realize how little I knew about Angular's preload strategy. Mr. Papa walks us through two custom strategies which you can use to help reduce user's wait time of your applications.

Farewell Entry Components

Yvonne Allen has breaking news! Captain Babyface has let her know that the entryComponents array is no longer required when using Angular 9.

Stronger Type-Checking in Templates with Ivy

Alex Rickabaugh from the Angular Framework Team walks us through template type checking. Definitely worth watching.

Revisiting a Reactive Router with Ivy

Brandon Roberts helps us discover a more reactive router.

Debugging Like a Boss in Angular 9

Anthony Humes walks us through debugging scenarios now possible using Angular 9.

A Whole New Way to Build Ivy Apps ⚡️

StackBlitz is awesome and we should all use it more. And now, the Angular CLI in integrated! Eric Simons takes a look at what you can do with StackBlitz and how fast you can do it.

Stepping Up: Observable Services to Observable Store

Dan Wahlin presents Observable Store, a way to manage state that is easier to implement than NgRx. While arguments about using NgRx might break out, you should know about this alternative before making a decision about which immutable store implementation you want to use for your next project.

The State of RxJS

Simply put, no one explains RxJs better than Ben Lesh. Find out what is going on with this project!

The State of NgRx

Mike Ryan walks through the recent changes in NgRx, and shows us what it means to our lives.

Honorable Mentions

These presentations were exceptional and worth mentioning separately.

A Journey into the World Of Machine Learning with TensorFlow.js

Aaron Ma is younger than you, and this young man makes me want to yell "Get offa my lawn!" but he is so awesome and inspiring.

Into the Unknown

Completely entertaining! FIVE STARS!

Getting Through the Awkwardness of Networking

Life can be awkward. Wesley Faulkner tries to make it less so. This is good humaning.

Resilient Angular Testing – Jaw Dropping Magic Tricks by The Magnificent Shairezniko

OK, so, Shai Reznik is a character. But he also loves Angular and testing Angular. And in this presentation he makes it fun.